Corporate English courses

Corporate English courses

Courses intended for companies have a high degree of flexibility in terms of:

  • the study program of the courses (hours and days, number of sessions per week, duration of a session – 1.5 h, 2 h or 3 h);
  • the duration of the courses;
  • the topic addressed;
  • teaching methods;
  • the location – the beneficiary company chooses the place of organization of the courses;
  • teaching focused on the real needs of the students;

Number of students:

  • standard groups of 5-8 students;
  • groups with a larger or smaller number of people, depending on the beneficiary’s requirements;
  • one-to-one (individual) courses;

Location: office of the American Linguistic Center or the office of the beneficiary companies.


1. The preliminary meeting.

The representative of the American Linguistic Center and the representative of the beneficiary company jointly establish the general coordinates of the course: type, number of students, location, schedule, etc.

2. Evaluation of students.

If the students already have a level of knowledge for the language they want to study, a teacher of the American Linguistic Center will organize the testing of the students to fit them into a study level and form the most homogeneous groups.

3. Drawing up the program.

Following the evaluation and preliminary discussions, the American Linguistic Center compiles the study program, chooses the appropriate textbooks and materials, depending on the group’s requirements and the final results sought. All this is then presented to the representative of the beneficiary company. The program may undergo further changes, being adapted during the course, depending on the specific needs and progress of the students.

4. Final feedback.

After completing the course:

learners take a final assessment that tests learners’ skills;
the course trainer together with the representative of the American Linguistic Center draws up a final report that includes: the concepts taught, the activity and progress of the students, the results of the final evaluation, etc.

5. Diploma with certified value.

At the end of the course, the students receive a diploma with attestation value, the skills being expressed according to European language standards.

*For more details you can contact us at +373 (79) 32 34 00 or

 0 (22) 22-58-60

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