

Află nivelul tău de engleză în doar 10 minute, treci testul în varianta scrisă.

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1 / 30

1. You should think about other people more – you’re too ________-centered.

2 / 30

2. __________ my pizza!

3 / 30

3. We both like skiing, but none of our children ________.

4 / 30

4. He ____________ Chinese for three years now.

5 / 30

5. We’ve bought you _________________for Christmas

6 / 30

6. He’s __________ height and a little bit overweight.

7 / 30

7. Sergio is so ________ for his age! He seems much older than 14.

8 / 30

8. We’re students. __________ teacher is American.

9 / 30

9. We ________  in the garden when you called, we were in the kitchen.

10 / 30

10. Paolo ________  a new car next week.

11 / 30

11. My backache ________ every time I lie down.

12 / 30

12. That jacket is the perfect color – it _________those trousers.

13 / 30

13. The rebels ________ the bridge to stop the soldiers from getting supplies.

14 / 30

14. I’d like to get a ____________ abroad.

15 / 30

15. __________ the restaurant was expensive, the food was awful.

16 / 30

16. My mum doesn’t like reading reviews before going to see a film. She says they are full of __________.

17 / 30

17. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, __________.

18 / 30

18. I didn’t hang _________. I dropped my mobile and it broke.

19 / 30

19. ______ Dana___________ in Singapore since she was a child?

20 / 30

20. Most airlines encourage you to check __________online these days.

21 / 30

21. Would you like ________ play a musical instrument?

22 / 30

22. If you eat fresh, healthy food, you ________ to take vitamin supplements.

23 / 30

23. The party is ______ Friday.

24 / 30

24. Lunch is nearly ready. Can you __________ the table, Pete?

25 / 30

25. I think you’ll ________ a lot of money selling clothes in this market.

26 / 30

26. The food at the restaurant was __________.

27 / 30

27. Mary’s __________ old. She’s 100.

28 / 30

28. Could you get Adam ________ me a call, please?

29 / 30

29. She __________ school at half past three.

30 / 30

30. There’s a big tree _____________  of our house.

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